Gifts For Loved Ones

Nothing beats the thrill of visualizing the perfect yarn texture, color, and embellishment for my loved one and imagining their reaction while I crochet my vision into a reality. When I present their gift, the elated expression that dawns on them - the one I'd pictured for weeks while crocheting - validates "giving is better than receiving" a hundred times over for me. 

A surprise for my paternal grandmother's 80th birthday that I mailed during the pandemic. 

He gave her the hug that I wouldn't be able to give her for another three years. 

The fruit of my two-month summer labor, Professor Agaya, gifted to my maternal grandmother. Professor Agaya earned the title professor because of her extensive knowledge on making people smile and was named "Agaya" after the Korean word aga, which means baby.

Speaking of babies, here are baby booties I crafted for the first baby I babysat.

Cow and ox themed presents for my dad, born in the year of the ox. 

Milk bottle was crocheted to scale for the yarn babies.

Of course, my puppy was not exempt from my gifts. Little did I know he would employ my bunny as his personal coping mechanism when he was teething.

A graduation gift for my cousin, representing her nickname: h-sheepie.

Critters for my purple-loving best friend, a proud mother of two cats.

A bunny for a friend whose energy rivals that of the energizer bunny's.